League Information - NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League

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League Information

Leagues > California
DIV ID 7324 (formerly 7268)
7 players

ACHIEVEMENTS      HALL OF HUSTLERS (23 points or more)
Charles Keller  660-473-3791
Chuck Keller 660-221-7627
Charley Case 660-875-4869
Bradley and Landon Blankenship 660-596-5695
David Schlup  660-619-5233
Jose Montano  660-281-2208

Sedalia Thursday Singles 8 ball
Top 50% paid.  14 week season, 7 players
Money not guaranteed if player drops out during season.
6 - 7 PLAYERS$ 185$ 100
$ 70
What if teams tie?  There is a possibility that a couple of teams could tie.  It could be for first or 7th but here is what NAPA says is the tie breaker rule:
After the final week of the regular session, two or more teams are tied in the point standings, the
tie breaker is to be determined by the following criteria and in this exact order:
a. Most team matches won during the regular session.  For example an 8-3-0 beats an 8-2-1 (wins-losses-ties)
b. The team that won the most head-to-head matches between the teams that are tied, during the regular session
c. The top point shooter for each team that has the most points, during the regular session.

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