League Info
Leagues > Jeff City > Monday Scotch Doubles 8 Ball
Division ID is 12350 Scotch Doubles 8 Ball
- 11 Teams in the league. Rosters
- Current Standings
- Starts October 7th and ends Jan 27th 2025 for 17 weeks
- Awards Feb 4th 2025 at Outpost at 7 PM
- The NAPA Standard interference Rule and NOT the All Balls Foul Rule.
- This is a committment to play the entire season. If you or your team drops out it affects the scheduling and the payouts. In addition, if you do not pay for your session, you will not be able to play NAPA in the future.
- Byes and Forfeits
- There are byes in this league. If a team drops out we will follow these rules:
- Each bye is worth 8 points. You do not have to pay for byes.
- After all teams have the same number of byes, the bye value will be the team average per week but not less than 8 points.
- You do NOT have to pay for byes.
- Individual forfeits are 14 points for team only.
- You DO have to pay for forfeits.
- If you need to reschedule you have to give two hours notice required to avoid a forfeit.
- Schedule and Scores Shows weekly results to include byes and forfeits
- Weekly Scratch Shows total results, standings, and future matches
- What if teams tie? There is a possibility that a couple of teams could tie. It could be for first or 7th but here is what NAPA says is the tie breaker rule:
- After the final week of the regular session, two or more players/teams are tied in the point standings, the tie breaker is to be determined by the following criteria and in this exact order:
- a. Most player/team matches won during the regular session. For example an 8-3-0 beats an 8-2-1 (wins-losses-ties)
- b. The player/team that won the most head-to-head matches between the player/teams that are tied, during the regular session
- c. In TEAMS, the top point shooter for each team that has the most points, during the regular session.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
$365 | $230 | $145 | $100 | $40 |
Money NOT guaranteed if team drops out. NO MVP. No Trophies. |