Hyper Leagues
Pool League Information > Leagues
It's finally here! NAPA Hyper Leagues. Play an ENTIRE session in one or two days! You may think we have lost our minds, but we really haven't. Your players have been asking for this and so we have produced the product.
So, what is this all about?
Hyper Leagues are IDENTICAL to the regular league format that you are accustomed to, with three exceptions.
1. They are designed to be played in one day or two.
2. Weeks are referred to as "Rounds"
3. They can ONLY be run on NAPA Play. No paper scoring.
Hyper Leagues can be run as Singles leagues or teams as well. Below are some examples of how a hyper league can be run.
Let's assume that you have 6 players who want to run a "Singles" Hyper league. And, let's say you decide to run it on a Saturday.
With 6-players you can do 5-rounds, 10-rounds, 15-rounds, or 20-rounds. Keep in mind that, just like your regular leagues where two players play against each other, a match generally takes between 30 to 45 minutes to complete. For each round in a Hyper League you should assume the same will be true.
So, if you choose to do 5-rounds, you could use a schedule like the following:
Round 1: Saturday @ 1:00pm
Round 2: Saturday @ 2:00pm
Round 3: Saturday @ 3:00pm
Round 4: Saturday @ 4:00pm
Round 5: Saturday @ 5:00pm
Just like with your other leagues, after each round the players handicaps will change for their next round match. The following morning NAPA HQ will process ALL of your rounds at one time and your standings page online will show the final results.
Some key items to note:
#1. League Dues ARE required for EVERY round just like your regular leagues.
#2. Every match a player plays counts as a regular match just like always. It ALSO counts toward their NRP! So, if you have a group of players that want to accumulate a set number of matches before one of our tour stops so that they WILL have enough NRP's to enter, they can simply play in a Hyper League and get them all played in one day (or two).
One attractive element of the new Hyper League format is that, just like a tournament, players will be playing for immediate prize money.
Let's assume that you have 18 players who want to run a "Singles" Hyper league. This means that in order for everyone to play everyone at least once, you are going to have 17 rounds.
You're schedule is going to look more like this:
Round 1: Saturday @ 1:00pm
Round 2: Saturday @ 2:00pm
Round 3: Saturday @ 3:00pm
Round 4: Saturday @ 4:00pm
Round 5: Saturday @ 5:00pm
Round 6: Saturday @ 6:00pm
Round 7: Saturday @ 7:00pm
Round 8: Saturday @ 8:00pm
Round 9: Sunday @ 1:00pm
Round 10: Sunday @ 2:00pm
Round 11: Sunday @ 3:00pm
Round 12: Sunday @ 4:00pm
Round 13: Sunday @ 5:00pm
Round 14: Sunday @ 6:00pm
Round 15: Sunday @ 7:00pm
Round 16: Sunday @ 8:00pm
Round 17: Sunday @ 9:00pm
A 3-man team schedule with 8-teams playing 7-rounds would look something like this:
Round 1: Saturday @ 12:00pm (noon)
Round 2: Saturday @ 2:30pm
Round 3: Saturday @ 5:00pm
Round 4: Saturday @ 7:30pm
Round 5: Sunday @ 12:00pm (noon)
Round 6: Sunday @ 2:30pm
Round 7: Sunday @ 5:00pm
Another inventive way to play league pool from NAPA!!