2017 NAPA Top Shark Tournament - NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League

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2017 NAPA Top Shark Tournament

Tournaments > Local Tournaments


NAPA of Central Missouri holds a FREE ENTRY, LOCAL tournament between Columbia, Jefferson City, and all other NAPA of Central Missouri leagues.  The tournament is known as the Top Shark Tournament.

Each player pays $1 a week dues to fund the tournament.  This tournament is FREE entry unless the leagues wants to add to the payouts. The more teams, the more money in payouts. It is to your benefit to recruit more players into NAPA so the payouts can be the highest they can be.

This is to reward the players who play in NAPA and not to reward those players that only play one season and quit.  To qualify for this tournament you MUST play at least FIVE matches a season and TWO out of THREE seasons in NAPA.

The first season to qualify for this year's tournament was the summer season for 2016.

In 2014 (the first year) it was $ 6,500

In 2015 it was $ 7,500.  We had 89 players that registered for the tournament, 61 from Columbia and 28 from Jefferson City.

For 2016 it was $ 9,000!!  This year we had 106 players that registered for the tournament, 82 from Columbia and 24 from Jefferson City.  It was held on June 4-5.

0-41 handicaps 1st Doug Simmons, 2nd Christian Taylor, 3rd Shauna Rios, 4th Jimmy Hammonds, 5th-8th Jordan Hartley, Russell Gay, Jeff Landreth and Curtis Jeffrey.
42-58 handicaps 1st Brenden Sexton, 2nd Dawn Becker, 3rd Rick King, 4th Brent Demis, 5th-8th Darrel Wheeler, Casey Nelson, Tim Ralph, and Tabitha Miner
59-77 handicaps 1st Lauren Dillender, 2nd Russell Miller, 3rd Mark Tuttle, 4th Alaa Bouzhar, 5th-8th Anthony Burks, Marc Anderson, Earl Black, and Phil Deming
78 and above handicaps 1st Larry Pierce, 2nd Mitch Dickerson, 3rd Lukus Hunt, 4th Scott Fluegel, 5th-8th Darrel Moses, Don Crump, Dave McCord, Whit Elfner

The date has been set for the Top Shark Tournament.  It will be May 20-21, 2017 and NOT June 10-11 as previously announced.  It will be $9,000!!  More information will be coming as it becomes available.  

You can check to see if you are qualified for the Top Shark Tournament and NAPA Nationals.  Columbia  Jeff City

Here are the handicap splits for 2017
0 - 40 JC starting at noon at the Outpost 26 players  HERE is the bracket Drawn and verified by Joe Bottino
41 - 53 JC starting at 9 AM at the Outpost 26 players  HERE is the bracket Drawn and verified by Joe Bottino
54 - 74 Col starting at 9 AM at MO River 32 players
75+ Col starting at noon at MO River 29 players

Losers bracket will be a race to 2.  The winners races can be found HERE.

0-40 Handicap group:
1st   Tim Rowe    $ 900
2nd  Mark Voss   $ 600
3rd   Tina Taylor  $ 350
4th   Curtis Jeffrey  $ 200
5-6th  Laurie Travis  $ 50
5-6th  Vance Johnson  $ 50
7-8th  Shauna Rios  $ 50
7-8th  Mark Evaniak  $ 50

41-53 Handicap group:
1st  Daniel Holtzclaw  $ 900
2nd  Vince Taylor  $ 600
3rd  Jim Rice  $ 350
4th  Thad Stubbs  $ 200
5-6th  Jeff Landreth  $ 50
5-6th  Christian Taylor  $ 50
7-8th  Jeremy Flanagan  $ 50
7-8th  Mike McDaniels  $ 50

54-74 Handicap group:
1st  Chase Roach  $ 900
2nd  Craig Gelven  $ 600
3rd  Tracey Epple  $ 350
4th  Ron Lynes  $ 200
5-6th  Joey Blankenship $ 50
5-6th  Phil Deming  $ 50
7-8th  Eric Hensley $ 50
7-8th  Clinton Hartley $ 50

75+ Handicap group:
1st Rich Lewis  $ 900
2nd  Pete Grant  $ 600
3rd  David Brown  $ 350
4th  Wayne Jett  $ 200
5-6th  Darrel Moses  $ 50
5-6th  Scotty Justice $ 50
7-8th  Jeremy Miller  $ 50
7-8th  Cole McCubbin $ 50

Thanks again to all who participated!  Se you next year!!

AS OF 5/17/17
Name, Handicap
Name, Handicap
Abromovich, Chris  88
Acevedo, Cruze  54
Bailey, Justin  79
Beckwith, John  103
Black, Earl 63
Bottino, Joe  51
Brinkman, Chris  65
Brown, David  89
Bush, Dedrick  39
Carter, Ellis  71
Carter, Jamad  75 moved to col
Clines, William  38
Colley, Bobby  65
Cook, Paul  87
Cox, Tony  39
Crandall, Phil  99
Deming, Phil  62
Diggs, Vernon  86
Dillender, Lauren  54 moved to col
Elfner, Whit  90
Elliott, Cecil  85
Ennis, Troy  74
Evaniak, Mark  36
Flanagan, Jeremy  53
Flowers, Anthony  45
Franklin, William  58
Gaither, Mark  15
Greene, Cameron  33
Hammonds, Jimmy 38
Hazlett, Elizabeth 17
Hazlett, Zach  71
Hile, Terry  91
Holtzclaw, Daniel 50
Jennings, Danny  63
Jett, Wayne 102
Johnson, Vance  16
Justice, Scotty  112
Keller, Brad  54 moved to col
Kersting, Jim  67
King, Rick  49
Landreth, Jeff  44
Lewis, Rich  103
Lynes, Ron    73
Lyon, Mike  66
McDermott, Art  54 moved to col
McKee, George  50
Miller, Jeremy  89
Miller, Russell  76
Miner, Tabitha  67
Newland, Steven  58
Parker, Rob  40
Pierce, Larry  93
Rahn, Brent  62
Ralph, Tim  76
Raymond, Robin  28
Redmon, Taylor  18
Rice, Jim  47
Rios, Shauna  36
Roach, Chase  54  moved to col
Rowe, Tim  36
Schmidt, Fred  101
Scott, Riotta  54 moved to col
Sexton, Brenden  64
Simmons, Doug  35
Smith, BJ  82
Smith, Dennis  44
Strickland, Brian  54 moved to col
Stubbs, Thad  43
Taylor, Aprile  22
Taylor, Christian  44
Taylor, Tina  20
Taylor, Vince  52
Thomas, Floyd  67
Tucker, Bill  38
Utterback, Erica  74
Voyles, Derrick  30
Wiemann, Kimberly  32
Wise, Julian 47
Adams, James 47
Becker, Dawn  53
Becker, Tom  52
Blakenship, Joey  64
Butler, Brent  64
Carmichael, Tara  45
Chandler, Tonya  18
Conner, Nate  47
Cook, Jared  45
Crawford, Kevin  43
Epple, Ross  61
Epple, Tracy 68
Fluegel, Scott  82
Gelven, Craig 70
Grant, Pete 96
Greeno, Cullen  88
Hartley, Clinton  70
Haulenbeek, Curtis  27
Henley, Eric  56
Jenkins, Jacob  55
Love, Bob  81
McCubbin, Cole  101
McDaniel, Mike  46
Moses, Darrel  132
Peoples, Melva  62
Schepker, Audrey 43
Smith, Gary  44
Travis, Laurie  32
Tuttle, Mark  67
Voss, Mark  39
Wickers, Mike  79
Willis, Donnie  19
Willis, Ginger  53
Willis, Kenny  93

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