2017 NAPA Nationals - NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League

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2017 NAPA Nationals

The 2017 NAPA Nationals will be at the same location, Valley Forge Casino Resort, 1160 First Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406, June 24-30, 2017.  There will be $20,000 added to the prize fund.  

HOT!!  HOT!!  As of Today the deadline has been extended and the requirements for NAPA Nationals has been changed.  I got this today from NAPA (6/3/17).

NAPA has extended the deadline for NAPA Nationals to June 12th.  They have also relaxed the requirement for qualifying for Nationals.  I got this from NAPA today.  If you need more information you can find it on www.napaleagues.com or www.napa-missouri.com.

PER NAPA 6/3/17

"For this year's team event, the first place team is guaranteed $5,000 in prize money.  This is very exciting and we look forward to more teams getting reststered by the June 12th deadline.  Be sure to tell all your players!  Guaranteed $5,000 for only a maximum 5-man roster is awesome!

I have more good news.

For this year's NAPA Nationals we have encountered some very unusual circumstances that have enabled NAPA HQ to rethink how our qualifications for the NAPA Nationals are handled.  Over the years, we have taken pride in providing a structured qualification format, that requires our players to achieve certain criteria in order to participate in our national event.

While, this structure has had some competitive benefits and creates excitement, it has also had its downfalls.  Many players are unable to qualify due to any number of personal pitfalls, like loss of job, or change in job schedules, personal tragedies, etc;  Yet, these people who are unable to qualify and are left out of our national event while their friends and family go have fun and attend without them, are still pool enthusiasts and ONLY play the game for their love of the sport.  For thousands of our pool players, it's not about being a pro player or a Grandmaster.  It's about the love of the competition and their enthusiasm and love for the camaraderie of the sport.

After some very detailed, in-depth thought, NAPA HQ and our team have decided to make a change to our nationals qualifications, and we are going to put that change in effect today.

Per existing qualifying criteria, a player with a minimum of 5-matches between June 1, 2016 and May 31, 2017 can only qualify by being a top point shooter, a team captain, or on a championship team.  This is where the challenge comes in.  This is simply not possible for a lot of players due to time, personal circumstances, job schedules, playing ability, etc;

We need to fix this and give everyone the ability to qualify.

Beginning today, ANY player who has 5-matches played in our calendar year (June 1-May 31), automatically qualifies for the NAPA nationals.  That includes this year, for the upcoming 2017 NAPA Nationals.

NAPA HQ has had years of practice and dedicated analysis fine tuning our skill level application and player analyzer. We are confident it is the best in the business and can continue to maintain a quality annual championship with this new qualification format.

Team Captain's, Top Point Shooters, and All Players on Championship teams from now on will receive certificates of achievements. We are also planning to add some added incentives to teams for the 2018 team championships as well.

Today, we have qualified ALL of your players who have had 5 or more matches played in the NAPA Calendar year.  The 5-matches played criteria is per format.  So, in order for a player to qualify in 8-ball, he/she must have 5-matches played in 8-ball.  If he/she wants to play in 9-ball, he/she must have 5-matches played in 9-ball. If he/she wants to play in 10-ball, he/she must have 5-matches played in 10-ball.

Keeping the 5-matches played per format will keep the skill levels more honest.

All of the newly qualified players are now able to simply go to the Nationals registration page and it will let them know which tournaments they qualify for. Please let all of your players know that the gates are open for this year's event and it's come one, come all.

THIS APPLIES TO ALL OF YOUR JUNIORS AS WELL. 5-matches played allows them to qualify for the adult events as well.

As far as the team event goes, your players now only have to have 10 NRP points instead of 15.

We look forward to seeing much larger turnouts and much larger prize funds.  Let's make this year's event big turn in a move for bigger NAPA Nationals."

HOT!!  As of today, 5-2-17, Two important items:
1. We are 4 weeks and 1 day away from nationals registration deadline. Get your registrations in on time.
2. VERY IMPORTANT: The Casino Tower is sold out. You will now need to book at the Radisson.
All room bookings must be done through our web site registration page.
3.  You can play the mini's even if you are not qualified or registered for nationals.  Howver, you must be staying at one of the two hotels they have designated to be eligible.


EVENT SCHEDULES and hotel booking procedures as it becomes available.  DEADLINE is May 31, 2017.  8 ball, 9 ball, 10 ball, Lagger's Choice, and Juniors as well as team event.

HERE is the form for booking your TEAM!  $12 REGISTRATION FEE, $22 GREENS FEE, $166 ENTRY FEE (TOTAL OF $200/TEAM).  8 ball, double elimination, 3 person team (up to 5 players), no coaching, 195 team handicap limit, and a minimum of 15 NRP points for each person.  In addition, each player must have already qualified for one singles event.  All shooters must have played for the same league operator.

1.  You will have to pay an entry fee.  The tournament entry fee based on the number of matches you played in NAPA in the last 12 months (Player NRP) located on your player page (just search your name under player stats.  Be sure to change North America to Missouri for a quicker search.  Your NRP will be located in the upper right hand corner.  Just refer to the event schedules above to determine your entry fee.  This will range from $ 30-200.  Entry fees for Lagger's Choice will be $50.  Juniors pay $20.
2.  You will have to pay a greens fee for each event.  That is $ 22.  $10 for Juniors.
3.  You will have to pay a registration fee for each event.  That is $ 12.  None for Juniors.
4.  Minimum total per event will be $64 based on your NRP.

You must turn in your registrations to me and I will file them with NAPA.  I will collect from you and then send it on to NAPA.

Nationals qualification is easy. Here are the ways you can earn an invitation to NAPA Nationals even if your team is in last place:
  • Being on the first place team
  • Being a team captain
  • Being the top point scorer on your team
  • Being the MVP male or female (top male or female scorer in the league)
  • Winning in one of the local qualifiers

Nationals qualification is local.  No more traveling to a regional, paying the entry fees and traveling expenses only to find out you cannot go.

Nationals is SINGLES although there is a team event.  No more YOU shooting great and the team NOT and not winning money. You will have to pay your expenses to get to nationals and a greens fee and registration fee.  In 2011 it was in Little Rock AR.  In 2012 it was in Nashville TN.  In 2013 it was in Tunica MS.  In 2014 it was in Atlanta GA.  In 2015 it was in Mt Pleasant MI.  In 2016 it was in Valley Forge PA.  For 2017 it will be in Valley Forge PA again.

Here is what NAPA said today (8/26/16)
"We at NAPA HQ are delighted to announce that we have signed our final agreements for the 2017 NAPA Nationals.  The recently completed 2016 NAPA Nationals Tournament was the most successful of the six national championships thus far conducted by NAPA. The event center with 100 pool tables was more than adequate for the six events conducted over 11 days. The tournament logistics were run by High Country Promotions and came off extremely well!

With all the positives to come out of the 2016 NAPA Nationals, there was one particular aspect that did not live up to NAPA standards. Approximately half of the rooms (those in the Casino Tower) were very out-of-date and quite poorly maintained and serviced. We promise to do better for the 2017 NAPA Nationals.

With the exception mentioned above, almost all player comments regarding the location, venue and tournament operation were of high praise. If the venue (Valley Forge Casino Resort) could resolve the room quality issue, they would, once again, be a prime contender for the 2017 NAPA Nationals.  I am delighted to report that, after weeks of tedious negotiations, and an agreement by Valley Forge Casino Resort to renovate all rooms in the Casino Tower, that NAPA has contracted with Valley Forge Casino Resort to hold the 2017 NAPA Nationals at their venue in King of Prussia, PA (outside Philadelphia), once again.  The top three floors are in renovation progress right now and the bottom three floors will be completed by early April 2017. Two months before our event.

We hope that all qualified shooters consider attending this grand event."

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