2016 NAPA Nationals - NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League

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2016 NAPA Nationals

Here is a quick summary of the 2016 NAPA Nationals:
In total for the 2016 NAPA Nationals there were:
466 players in 8 ball
192 players in 9 ball
113 players in Laggers Choice

HERE were the payouts with $20,000 added by the hotels for 2016.

HERE is the flyer for the 2016 NAPA Nationals!  June 24 to July 2 at Valley Forge Casino in King of Prussia PA.  There will be $20,000 ADDED!!

And here is more:
  • You will have to stay at one of two hotels in order to play in the tournament.  This is a REQUIREMENT.  You can book online at the link above.  About $57.50 per person per night for two to a room and $31.50 per person per night with four to a room.
  • 8 ball starts on June 27th
  • 9 ball starts on June 29th
  • 10 ball starts on July 1st.
  • Registration opens March 1, 2016 and closes May 31, 2016.
  • You will have to pay a registration fee for each event ($10).  You must have a hotel reservation number to register.
  • You will have to pay a greens fee for each event ($20).  There is no coin drop.
  • You will have to pay an entry fee for each event based on the number of matches you played and what class you shoot in.  You can find out your entry fee by going to www.napaleagues.com and clicking on "Player Stats" then enter you last name and change "North America" to "Missouri".  Then click on your name.  On the top right you will see "Player NRP".  Note the number.  Then click on "Player NRP" and you will see what your entry fees will be.
  • Some events entry fees will be different.  Junior Championship, Lagger's Choice, and Scotch Doubles will be different.
  • Tables will be 7' Valley with Red Circle cue balls.
  • There will be a dress code.
  • There will be a code on conduct.

NOTE:  When you make your reservation online with one of the hotels you will get a confirmation number that will include a dash (-) and a letter.  This is your confirmation number for the room only and not the confirmation number to register for events at NAPA Nationals.  You should be getting an email shortly after you make your room reservations giving you that confirmation number so you can register for events.  If not, let me know and I can get the number for you.  YOU MUST BOOK YOUR ROOM THROUGH WWW.NAPALEAGUES.COM AND NOT THROUGH A THIRD PARTY WEBSITE LIKE EXPEDIA TO GET YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER.

NOTE:  I received some additional information from NAPA regarding Nationals.
  • First, to maximize your discount for matches played (NRP) you should not register until April 1st.
  • Second, as to what category you will shoot in according to your handicap. It will be the HIGHER of when you registered or at the deadline on May 31, 2016.
  • Third, you MUST use napaleagues.com to book your room at one of two hotels and obtain a confirmation number so you can register for events. You cannot use a third party like Expedia to reserve your room. You will get an email telling you what your registration confirmation number is. It is different than your room confirmation number which will contain a dash (-) and a Letter. The registration confirmation number is all numbers.

If you have any questions let me know.

To me this is the most restrictive and expensive of NAPA Nationals that we have had.  We could think about reducing or eliminating the local tournament and use the fund to help players pay their way to NAPA Nationals.  I would be interested in what you think.

I just wanted to make sure you were aware of what NAPA Nationals is doing this year before you make plans.  The site also contains requirements for each event so take a close look at them to make sure you are qualified.

If you have any questions or comments let me know.
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