NAPA of Central Missouri Billiard League

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Website updated 2/19/25

Results of the 2024 Missouri State Championships June 7-9.  Click HERE to find out.

Who Won the 2024 Top Shark Tournament??  Find out HERE.



You can be the Division Representative!  Call Dave for details!

We franchise NAPA into the following 13 Missouri Counties:
 Boone, Calloway, Cole, Cooper, Lincoln, Macon, Monroe, Pike, Ralls, Randolph, St Charles, Warren, and Moniteau.

League Division Rep for Moberly is Brian Powell, 660-651-3905,
League Division Rep for Troy/Louisiana is Ted Wilkinson, 573-754-2811,
League Division Rep for St Charles and Warren is Lauren Dillender, 573-356-1427,
League Division Rep for Columbia is Matt Sommer, 573-821-1133,
League Division Rep for Jefferson City is Melody Holsten, 573-645-3709,

Be sure to check my FB posts at Napa of Central Missouri.

For ALL leagues, you have two weeks from the originally scheduled match to do a make up match.  Failure to do so will result in 0 points for both teams/players.  Also, NO makeup matches will be played the last two weeks of league unless there is a good excuse.  ALL teams have two weeks to submit their weekly fees.  Failure to do so will result in a suspension and no matches or points until fees are paid and no points awarded while in suspension.

Just a reminder that singles and scotch doubles matches CAN be played ahead of time in NAPAplay but NOT team matches.  Also, if you substitute a player for your partner and your partner returns, you can now enter him back onto the team.  He should be the first choice on the drop down menu on the person that replaced him.

We now have not only 9 Ball Pro but also 10 Ball Pro!  Also a new rule.  There is now a three foul rule for both the Pro leagues!

You can now check and correct you match entry for Scotch doubles by clicking on View Scorecard on the scoresheet!

How do you rate new players in NAPA?  We now have a player assessment guide to help you determine what handicap a new player should be in NAPA.


What can you play??

Each league is interactive.  The players have decisions to make for THEIR league.  They can change them each season if they want.  Things to decide before each league is entered:
  • What night to play? Monday through Sunday
  • What format to play? 8, 9, 10, Lagger's Choice, Fast 8, 3-4-5 person teams, scotch doubles, scotch triples, 7 ball, double play, singles
  • Team Handicap?
  • What weekly fee?
  • Payouts.  Usually the top 50% of teams/players get money back.
  • Contribute to Top Shark Tourny?  $1 extra each night.
  • Length of season?  Normal is 15 weeks.
  • If holidays, play or not on those dates?  ie Halloween, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, etc.  No play on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.
  • 4.1 Interference Rule. All Balls Foul or NAPA Standard?
  • Minimum # of matches to be considered MVP?  Usually at least 5
  • Computing MVP:  Include or not forfeits, or do averages?  
  • Hill to Hill bonus points?  From 0-4.  Normally 1 or 2.
  • Rack your own?  Usually no.
  • In singles forfeit value can be 20 or 14.  Usually 20
  • Forfeit savior rule in effect?  Most leagues say no but some say yes.
  • Latest time to add players?  Normally the 5th week but any week up to 13.
  • Can the Magic Rack be used?
This is the players league instead of playing what the league operator wants you to play.  You can choose to structure it any way the players want.  Any other league do this?  That is why NAPA is the PLAYER's league!!

How do YOU pay weekly fees?

Best to pay your league rep of your city, but below are other ways.  Be sure to put in the note what you are paying for.  Example Tuesday 8 Ball.  If you are paying for someone else please say that as well.

I have recently added VENMO as a way for you to pay your weekly fees.  Send your payment to David-Stockman-3.  No charge unless you use a credit card.

On Cash App pay my $hashtag.  It is $DaveStockmanNAPA.

Bank app to transfer to,, or 573-268-6385

Sometimes teams forget. Sometimes it is for other reasons.  Sometimes the weekly dues are carried on to the following week. In an effort to make it easier and safer for teams to pay, you can now pay with paypal.  This is entirely voluntary.  Here is what the Paypal website says:  " No fee if you use your PayPal balance or bank account for domestic transactions." The paypal address to send it to is (note the period between missouri and napa).  You can do this anytime and is entirely voluntary. Make sure you put which team(s) the dues are for and for what date.
  • Save time.
  • Save gas.
  • Quicker.
  • Easier.
  • Gives you a record of payment if any questions.

Check or Money Order to:
NAPA of Central Missouri
Dave Stockman
3 Kensington
Collinsville, IL 62234

Best bet....Pay the league rep for your city.

What does NAPA of Central Missouri pool league offer?
  • NO Annual Dues
  • NO Playoffs
  • NO League Operator controlled handicaps
  • NO slop (except for 9 ball)
  • Paperless, online scoring (results the next day)
  • SIMPLE, but UNIQUE, Scoring system
  • Different, but ACCURATE, handicap structure with anti sandbagging measures
  • HIGH payouts (4 person team payouts higher than 5 person team payouts in other leagues)
  • DEEP payouts (top 50% of teams/players)
  • Payouts posted at beginning of season
  • Payouts in CASH not check
  • Trophies, plaques, and certificates for achievement
  • About a $12,000 FREE Entry singles 8 ball tournament in Columbia in May of each year

What are some problems associated with billiards leagues in the US?  
There are many.  Here are just seven.  I know there are more.  
  • First, it is expensive for most players to play league.  
  • Second, on league nights, you often do not finish until it is very late!  You may need to get up very early the next morning.  
  • Third, it sometimes gives the impression the handicaps and league operators are unfair or bias.  
  • Fourth, the pay out, if you win, is not always consistent with what you pay in.  
  • Fifth, the scoring system is sometimes complicated and takes away from enjoying your night out.  
  • Sixth, slop 8 ball.  
  • Seventh, playoffs.  

Don't you wish there is a national billiards league out there that listens to you and is for the PLAYER and not the LEAGUE OPERATOR?
Well, there is!  NAPA.

What does the North American Poolplayers Association, NAPA, do to address these league problems?  Plenty!!  
  • NAPA address the expense problem by not charging an annual fee.  ZERO $$.  This saves you at least $25/yr per person!  Also you only pay $9/night per person to play. More on this later....
  • To address finishing late NAPA recommends only four players shoot per night in 8 ball instead of 5.  NAPA also allows the teams to play on two tables to minimize time out and free up tables to venues for other paying customers not in league.
  • On handicaps, NAPA, as all other leagues, has a proprietary system but it is very different.  Instead of the standard 2-7 handicap brackets, NAPA has none.  Instead your handicap can go down to 0 and has no upper limit.  The highest handicap in NAPA is 139.  Races are based on difference in handicaps and the races are structured to give EVERYONE a 50-50 chance at winning.  Some players will have to win 10 games to their opponents 2 games.  NAPA of Central Missouri currently has a 66% hill to hill race ratio after 11 years. REMARKABLE. More information on handicaps can be found HERE and HERE.  Also, the NAPA league operators have NO control over handicaps once they are submitted to NAPA.  NAPA's team handicaps also allow players to stay together even as their handicap increases.  Keeps teams together instead of forcing them to form other teams.
  • Payouts are HIGHER and DEEPER than other league.  NAPA 4 person teams pay out more than other league 5 person teams AND pay 50% of teams.  You can find out more HERE.
  • Scoring can be intimidating but NAPA has revolutionized league scoring.  No more keeping track of balls or innings. VERY simple and PAPERLESS.  After you enter the players information all you do is mark who won the game and if any bonus points were earned.  That's it.  You can now enjoy the matches instead of worrying about the scoring.  More information HERE.  
  • NAPA 8 ball is call ball and pocket which minimizes being beaten by luck.  NAPA 9 ball is slop except for the 9.  NAPA 10 ball is call ball and pocket.  NAPA's emphasis is on building your skill and not having you rely on luck to win.  Get better!!
  • NAPA of Central Missouri does not have local or regional playoffs that cost you additional money for travel or weekly fees.

So what makes NAPA unique?  Other leagues care more about the league operator than they care about the players. NAPA sets itself apart from other leagues in many ways, especially when it comes to the PLAYER.
  • Technology.  First league to successfully implement paperless scoring.  Results are available the next day.
  • Options.  Besides the usual 8 ball, 9 ball, NAPA also offers 10 ball, Lagger's Choice, singles and doubles.  There is even hyper singles when you complete an entire season of singles in a couple of days!
  • Money.  No annual fees and low league dues make it an exceptional value for the money.  High payouts are also GREAT!!
  • Local tournament.  NAPA of Central Missouri holds an annual tournament.  It is FREE to everyone in NAPA that plays two seasons out of three and plays at least five matches in each season.  100% of $1 of the $9 weekly fee goes to fund the tournament.  100%.  In 2017 it was $9,000!  In 2018, with the addition of Moberly and Troy, the tournament was $11,000!  In 2019 it was $12,000!  No tournament in 2020 because of Covid but the money carried over to 2021 and it was $20,000!  Money returned to the player instead of the league operator.
  • Time saver.  Playing on two tables and having 4 player teams in 8 ball make for a shorter evening.  5 player teams in 9 ball and 10 ball give even higher payouts in less time.  
  • Play 9 ball the way the pro's do instead of ball counts.
  • Call ball and pocket format in 8 ball and 10 ball makes you a better player and improves your strategy.
  • Higher races gives everyone a 50-50 chance at winning.  Pushes the better player to play well...or lose.
  • With no local or regional playoffs, you know where you stand at all times.  Plus no travel or additional expenses.

North American Poolshooters Association (NAPA) is the hottest national billiard league in the country! Pool players of all levels are enjoying the fun competitive atmosphere that sets us apart. Whether you are brand new to pool leagues or a seasoned veteran of league play, you will find our scoring system is the easiest, the accurate and innovative handicap system cannot be beat, and our player statistics and recognition awards are unmatched. High and deep payouts plus player and sponsor plaques and player achievement certificates. SPONSOR INFORMATION

Do you have more questions?  Also email me (, text me or call me (573-268-6385).

Want to find out more?   Click HERE and find out what you have been missing and why it is the fastest growing national pool league in the US.  Check out the NAPA slide show and get more information.

Some players argue that all leagues have a handicap limit that tends to break apart teams that have played together for a long time.  That may be an end result of the team handicap but it is not the primary reason for establishing a team handicap. It is for fairness for teams.  Each player/team handicap is designed to allow for the possibility to win 50% of the games/matches they play.  But how does NAPA compare to APA as far as team handicaps?  NAPA's handicap actually KEEPS teams together longer than any other league.  Don't believe me? Check this out.  To relate NAPA team handicaps to APA team handicaps you can go HERE.  

Be sure to support your local pool hall, pub, restaurant....They are kind to us so we need to be kind to them!! Respect the establishment, the players, the other team, and YOURSELF!!  Don't do anything to anyone that you would not have done to yourself!!


  • Started in 2009 in Arkansas with about 50 members.

  • In 2011 it was 1,500 members.

  • In 2012 it was 7,500 members.

  • In 2013 it was 17,000 members.

  • NAPA signed up its 25,000th member 4/2/14!!  Fastest growing national pool league in the US.

  • NAPA membership at the time of the 2014 nationals (6/28/14) was 27,000.

  • NAPA Membership as of the end of August 2014 was 28,500.

  • NAPA membership as of Jan 2015 was 32,500!

  • NAPA members as of Jan 2016 was 40,000!
  • NAPA members in 2019 was over 60,000!!
  • As of Aug 2014 NAPA has franchises in 48 states, 3 Canadian provinces, and in Puerto Rico.

  • NAPA is the 3rd largest national pool league in the US.  Great growth!

  • NAPA's first National Tournament was in 2011 in Hot Springs Ar for $40,000.

  • NAPA's second National Tournament was in 2012 in Nashville TN for $60,000.

  • NAPA's third National Tournament was in 2013 in Tunica MS for $75,000+.

  • FIRST national pool league with paperless scoring (Feb 2014).

  • NAPA's fourth National Tournament was in Atlanta GA in June 2014 for $125,000.
  • NAPA's 5th National Tournament was in Mt. Pleasant Michigan at the Soaring Eagle Casino June 19-27, 2015 with at least $20,000 Added.
  • NAPA had their 6th National Tournament in Vally Forge Casino and Resort, King of Prussia, PA on June 24 to July 2, 2016.  It had $20,000 added as well.  
  • NAPA's 7th National Tournament also was in Valley Forge Casino and Resort, King of Purssia, PA.  $20,000 was added to the prize money.
  • NAPA had a National tournament in 2018 in New Orleans but to qualify they have NAPA Nationals Tour Tournaments.  $1,000 added on each stop and $10,000 added at Super Shooters Championship in New Orleans in 2018.
  • NAPA had their 9th National Championship in New Orleans in 2019.
  • No national championships in 2020-2021 because of covid.
  • 2022 National Championships were in West Monroe LA.
  • 2023 National Championship will be in Birmingham AL Oct 14-22.


  • ONLY national league with NO ANNUAL DUES.

  • ONLY national league with paperless scoring!  A completely paperless league!!

  • ONLY national league that gives you your COMPLETE history of shooting in NAPA!

  • ONLY national league that gives you your own web page for detailed stats.

  • ONLY national league that guarantees your handicap will change each time you play.

  • ONLY national league that displays and allows viewing of your handicap as it changes.

  • ONLY national league that comes down hard on sandbagging adding 30 points to your handicap or be banned for life from NAPA.

  • HIGH payouts per player and DEEPER payouts for teams (top 50%).  This is flexible.  This is YOUR league.

  • Varied format (8 ball, 9 ball, 10 ball, lagger's choice, double play, Scotch Doubles).
  • Varied team format (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 playing members to a team)
  • Simplified scoring sheet and as of Feb 2014 paperless electronic (live) scoring!
  • Races based on difference in handicap.  Up to 10 wins may be needed to win forcing more experienced player to play their best.
  • For Columbia, Moberly, Troy, and Jefferson City, a local tournament each year in addition to NAPA National Tour tournaments.  The first year (2014) was $6,000 with free entry and easy qualification.  For 2015 it is was $7,500!  2016 and 2017 it was $9,000!!!  In 2018 it was $11,000 and in 2019 it was $12,000!  No tournament in 2020 because of Covid but the money carried over.  In 2021 it was $20,000!
  • In 2022 it was $12,000.

What about NAPA of Central Missouri

  • Karen and Dave were the League operators of the year for NAPA in 2011.

  • NAPA of Central Missouri was the first NAPA franchise in Missouri starting in 2011.

  • NAPA of Central Missouri #1 in NAPA for the highest hill to hill ratio (over 68% of matches go hill to hill).

  • Expanded from 8 ball to 9 ball, and Lagger's Choice.

  • Serves Columbia, Jefferson City, Moberly, and Troy.

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